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FAQ 常見問題

Why swap?
Because we Hong Kongers live with legions of unused goods idling at home, thanks to consumerism. Imagine how many people around you may find uses from your unused stuff but end up buying new ones because they have no idea they can actually ask you for them. Then imagine if we all share with each others our own pool of goods. Then wouldn’t everything be better utilised, money saved, consumption lessened, and ultimately useless mass production reduced? We swap to avoid unnecessary consumption, which over-consumes natural resources and causes unnecessary pollution. We swap to be good to each other’s pocket. We swap to save the environment. Look around and see how many stuff in your room are rarely used or even untouched at all. Would you give them to someone else who may want to make them daily companion? You don’t just swap to let go your stuff. You swap for your own benefits as well.

What’s Pop Up Swap?  
Inspired by backyard sales and swap parties in the West, a JUPYEAH pop up swap is a seasonal party where juppers swap their old treasures and enjoy music, drinks and treats, make friends and experience the unique pleasure of ‘free shopping’. Pay an entrance fee and leave your unwanted goods (you can come with empty hands as well), which we will  tidy up and put on display. In the meantime, you can pick whatever you want from the pool. No quantity and category limits, for our only purpose is to optimise the lifespan of everything and to reduce waste.

What to swap?  
Our original goal is to take in any useful object. But at our previous swap we realised we completely underestimated the versatility of what juppers could possibly bring, and we failed to find right owners for some surprisingly eccentric goods. We could but narrow down categories of acceptable goods. This time, we accept certain categories of stuff. 
One of our only two rules is ‘put yourself in others’ shoes’. Would you want to receive the stuff you are about to let go? Next is that we will not accept any objects with promotional messages, including movie campaign products and hotel souvenirs. For hygiene and safety’s sake, we do not accept your intimate stuff including used underwear, beddings, towels, toothbrushes etc. (Why do you have to give them away whilst you have already been using them?) To protect our fellow juppers, we will strictly screen all stuff at the reception and reject anything we deem inappropriate. So please bring only potential stuff.

I don’t feel like coming to Pop Up Swap, but can I ‘donate’ my stuff to JUPYEAH?
Feel free to donate – only to charity organisations in need; or resell to second-hand shops to support Hong Kong’s local recycling businesses. If you wish to let JUPYEAH take your stuff, tell us what they are; wait and see if JUPYEAH decides to take them (on a paid basis). We however encourage juppers not just to swap but to share moments. So please consider joining us.

There are recycling bins in my neighbourhood. Why bother to swap instead of donating?  
Donating as a way to reduce waste is a philanthropic and eco-friendly deed that we at JUPYEAH support. But we encourage sharing of stuff because we want you to have a sense of responsibility toward consumer products. Affordability does not always equal disposability. Stop brainless, unnecessary shopping. Make friends. So why not share usable stuff with people around you, instead of using the donation bin as an excuse to rationalise overconsumption? PUT yourself in others’ shoes. If you find use from unwanted goods owned by your friends, would you prefer them to donate them or to give them to you?

Can I only get stuff with similar values?
Forget about monetary values. At JUPYEAH value is measured by usability. Is a dusty expensive clothes more valuable than a cheap top that you can wear every day? If you are ready to let go of the goods, don’t fuss about monetary values. If you can’t, just keep it because the least it deserves is to be in the bin.

Can I try things on before taking?
Please be considerate. It may look like a boutique but it is not. We are not obliged to offer fitting services.

How many things to take to and from swap?
No quantity limits at all, it can be between 0 and 10,000. Yes, 0, naught. Why not? Our only goal is to find a new loving owner for all these treasures. They deserve to go home with a right owner who didn’t take anything to Pop Up Swap. And please don’t mind if you can’t find any suitable goods from the pool.

Why do I have to pay an entrance fee? 
How nice this idea is but sorry you are wrong if you think we are rich kids who can endlessly pump money into our association. JUPYEAH Association is a registered non-profit society, and like any NPO we need income to cover varied expenses, including venue rental, transportation and all equipment and fixtures. Our only source of income is charging entrance fee. Moreover the only reason for JUPYEAH to exist is to stop excessive consumption behaviours and to encourage everyone to share through swapping. We need income to support our further campaigns as well. We welcome your generous donation that will benefit all juppers.

為甚麼要交換舊物 / 有乜嘢好執? 

以物換物會的概念與西方的backyard sales、swap parties相近。目的是以派對的形式,為大家提供一個平台以交換有用的物品。我們每季舉辦以物換物會,並會特設音樂和餐飲,務求大家在享受音樂和氣氛的環境當中,享受「免費購物」的樂趣。你只需支付入場費,帶同你所轉贈他人的物品(不帶任何東西亦可)。我們會將你及他人帶來的物品陳列出來。同時,你亦可挑選他人的物品拿走。提供和拿走的物品數量及種類不限,因為我們的宗旨是:達至物盡其用,減少浪費。






帶來和取走的物品數量均不設限制,由 0 至 10,000 不等。沒錯,0 也無拘。我們的唯一目標是為物資找到合適的主人家,以延長其壽命,所以即使你沒有帶東西來,凡是你想要的物品,我們都歡迎你取走。唔使同我哋客氣﹗但同樣如果你找不到合適的東西,也請不要見怪。


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